
thx my buddies

today after weekly assembly headmaster wan all form 5 student stay awhile

ishh ***

listen he say alot bla bla things

say our class 5SB and 5SA alot ppl dint absent BI and SEJ khusus

alamak . our dislike listen mah . somemore =waste our time

better can slep at hum or hang out make a study group

everytime them wont say when have khusus de cox them noe our sure absent

tis time he say to our noe . on tis fri have khusus again . BM and MATH

OMG ! my favourite sub of MATH nehx sure wan attend la

xp .

recess now . my fren stop me dint let me go canteen tim

wat going on ah . . .

suddenly make a surprise here . them take out a cake is make own de woh

is NOT BUY de . thx Vinnie . Mun Yee . Chiu Mun . Yang . Meo . Sheng . and other fren

so hapi yahx . make me crying tim . malu lah !


then Hui Xin . Teng . Khey . Me cut cake together

cox 4 of us is same month bufdae

so ngam . haha

happy loh . . .

finish recess jor continue lessons - masa SIVIK now

teacher wan us find member to do sum work

but v dun wan cox hard to find dao answer

then suddenly teacher say berlakon tim . zha dao !

find my ketua - Amir as suami . them roll call my name tim . Pei Yee as isteri dia

alamak . when our lakon tat time so paiseh malu lah

them keep make noisy sound and clap hand tim

aiyo . malu sei lah . but realy queit hapi and funny

my fren sui dao take video there

although today is mon stil not my bufdae but i realy feel thx alot to my dear buddies

1st time make cake . realy so delicious


start countdown my bufdae now ♥