ready ? . . go . .
Happy Halloween . . . wee wee
31st is last days on OCT . so fast turn NOV
tonite went out wanted watching movie but fail
cox most ticket was sold out yet
so v change places go eat seafood
Sunday date out wid dear
wake up early , dress up and have breakfast
go watching 'Poker King' wid him
nice movie nahx . keep laughing there . funny dao Y
xp (
erm . . . after sent me bk hum he is brave made some things
pretty funny here
chiao ~
stand up and sit down
argh argh
the final exam is near
exam on nearly a month , realy good hard
how was it now !! (sad)
I trying to be good in every things
cried . . .
didi dada -
didi dada -
z z z ''
♥ 4th NOV is Mr.Bobby 19th birthday
say Happy Birthday to him