
Enjoy Holidays

明天开始 算放假了噜

放半个月 很好 也不错


谢我姐 买东西给我 很疼我

买了我最爱吃的蛋糕 secret recipi brand de


刘海最近长了很多 所以一直要一直夹 不然很容易生痘痘咯

有点顶不顺 朋友和家人都说刘海较适合我些 因我也打算要刘海

刘海的女生看起来比较成熟 淑女些 会去修剪八




今天都很乖 我们这班的女生都有去上学 明天就享受放假了


我们一班男女聚在一起聊天 谈了很多各式各样的话题 超棒耶

初初是玩扑克牌的 老师没有理 怎知越玩越大声 因为很大力拍桌子的关系吧

老师竟然没收了 没关系

我们想了办法用双手来玩 “火车火车du du du” 小孩六岁的游戏耶

我们拿来玩 哇唠 打到我们的手痛到 手心又是汗水

老师又要没收我们的东西 我们说没有东西啊

老师又说:“ kamu main apa lagi . bagi kat sini ”

我们说:“ TANGAN nohx ”

当场扎到 一阵子的冷笑话咯 哈哈

后来就玩真心话 真的有很多秘密在我们友谊之间 秘密保留在我们心中


你问我 我问回你 感觉也不错 可以互相交换意见

现在突然不想再单身 可是很难找到你真正喜欢的男人

女生选男友一定要小心哒 不要找大男人的 感觉不懂怎么说 惟有女生明白吧

还有我最不喜欢的人 请不要在我面前扮到那么高贵 以为大小姐酱吗

我们把你融入了话题里 你的动作也太明显了吧 以前不觉得你怎么样 现在你就是爱搞小动作的女生

不是说讨厌你 只是觉得你把你自己台风抬高了八 请好好尊重你的尊严 还有你的一举一动 行为等等

我不能说你些什么 因为在说别人坏话前 要先了解自己的缺点再去说别人

一点就放学了 和雯 庭 邈 漾 胜 我妹 回家


YES . oei

YES . . My Godness

finally today finish jor along 2week gehx exam

relax alot edi

my classmate all crazy on today

all bz talking . kept discuss jek

include me oso yah

no do any revision

hmm...maybe today is last day exam bah

xp :)

SPM cant' like tat nohx


we all discuss holidays how spent it

them going watching on tis friday

but cancel edi . v all going on holidays

meet Eu all tat time bah

Yang and Sharon today give me pendrive to do add mathx project

dint slep at noon jz keep faster done my project

YES ! I done it edi

can pass up b4 holiday

ngek ngek - -

Xiang tonite come find me . GREAT .

will make cookies and spond cake later

see me make dao sucess anot mou 1st



今晚要去国民大厦 Sri Cempaka 那边出席演唱会

和表姐 铭 小妹 一起去

四点多冲凉 打扮 六点多才肯出门 佬爸就载我们出


看到 Jym 等等 看到一个 ***

七点多才开始 超级棒的耶


神目与瞳 . 梁文音 . 方炯镔 . 菲比 . 豆腐卜 等等

我喜欢台湾的风格 衣着 打扮 还有台湾的星光邦歌手一流


台湾等我吧 等我毕业就能去玩 去找舅舅

舅舅住在桃园 那边也不错


看到很多熟悉的脸孔 微微笑打声招呼

我爱你们 你们真的很棒


十一点多散场 ~


congratulation my baby Edwin
he got num.1 in class


i cant believe he cant pass and get A in all subject

i promise eu jor . promise will bring eu out


jz a simple friday

today dint going skul

but oso need wake up earli cox cant slep swt

insomnia again

then follow my mum go pasar . pui my didi Edwin go tadika

all child small small so cutie

damn missing when during in primary skul

alot memories there :) xp

after take a dinner wid my mum

bk hum . clear my bedroom cox too much dust

continue do my add math folio

havent finish jz design dao cover and sum content oni

but stil feel like no gratification much

mon continue exam again

[ SEJ . MATH ]

hope I can solve those question

tomorrow meet Eu :)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

my muii yuki design gehx





去阿姨家探望她 以为今天只有她一个人在家
谢谢阿姨问候 我不吃辣的

原来表姐今天也在 她暂时住这里
下个月头就要生了 很快咧
baby是男生 迟点再摆酒补回

弟明天还有读书 所以要早回

回时接到电话 说出去喝茶 和爸妈还有爸妈一班朋友
上次和他们去唱k 的 超爽 他们包场 直落到凌晨4点多
然后去meet他们 那边的supervisor和爸妈他们超熟悉耶
有了member card but however tat concert ticket was finish . sold out edi
nvm . supervisor 拿来了平时吃不到的东西给我们试吃 不错~



most of my fren kena NS edi

next mths 15/06 or 16/06 all nid gone edi

Mun and Xin kena jor

going out next month but them delay after finish exam SPM 1st

mun was cry jor whole nite

dun wan she go there . she kena go perak ; xin go sarawak

aiks ** far and far nahx

Hui goin on next mths 16

maybe wan to sent her


wish eu all good luck


今天考我最爱的科目 就是数学啦
不错下 ~ 只是有三题不会作答

过后考历史 和一班聪明的男生还有我的babies一起温习
死巴历史背进脑 可是在学校就是背不进
只想一直说话 我们谈性 !!

和我朋友说无论你有没有拍拖好 或单身也好
对你们会很有帮助的 买003 最新最安全
xp :)

听了他们当场冷笑 我们大声笑 小声说
我说什么东西 我朋友都能get 到咧
聪明 明天没有读 星期一待续

很认真地作答历史 希望能及格吧
两小时半作答 用了两小时 剩30分钟
等放学 和邈 漾 雯 廷 胜 回家

妈咪晚餐弄板面吃 yummy
和妈咪上网搜寻食谱 明天有心情的话会弄蛋糕

现在下雨了 很适合我睡午觉的感觉


知道你是个怎样的人 看清楚了

c bi box 要关了
现在 很多人都 ****
不是故意要说你 也不爱在背后说某人坏话

只是 [顶] [不] [顺] 和觉得 [不] [公] [平]

以前得空有事情时 就只会找她 当某人是什么
是水鱼吗? 不是 !!
是特殊关系才是 现在不再是了
我懂 懂了 懂你比以前更耀眼了许多 更自信满满了 那时应该的吧

可是请你不要声不出声就不理人 就像和路过的陌生人插肩而过
真的 性格也很不一样了

我真得会替朋友抱怨 抱怨不值得

少了也不觉得是什么 反而现在更喜欢
喜欢一大班男女聚在班上聊天 谈天说地 谈性等等

希望你清醒了 以前只会说他们对你不好那些
现在却 . . . . 希望你能珍惜现在


少上线 **


等时间空荡下来 在部上部落格


Xeely - congratulation ur exam is past nehx

hapi for eu . eu oso wan wish me and hope me can get a great result

bless me up :)



星期日和朋友 妹 表姐 去迷你演唱会噜

先轻松个嘛 再来面对剩下考试的三天

谢我爸妈拿回来的票 [x4]

[ OUT ] Station One



CHEMISTRY vs P.M paper

unluckily . . .

tmr exam again . 5th day for mid-year exam

time so fast past :)

黑眼圈实在太深了 有的补救吗

去到学校 拿到考卷时针得很想爬在桌子睡


可是不能丫 考试不能当垃圾那样 拿起垃圾就随手扔

考试要靠好来呀 我尽力把每张考卷都有做完

考卷没有空着 而且我也不喜欢把考卷空着 !

考卷空着不做的话 那和你不来学校考试的道理也一样嗒

为何来学校又不作答考卷反而要空着考卷 在那边大呼睡觉


XD :)


只想考完了 轻松度假 玩乐先





时间很少 却又要必须在限期内完成手头上的功课


有时很清爽 却又是让人讨厌到投不过气



好 mou ? 等朋友

一只听你在那边胡说 都厌倦了

拜托 是时候要清醒了 不要沉迷下去了



清醒的为我目标前进 我答应你的东西就做得到




对! 是我没有准备好好 我对这次考试抱负着 。 。情况 。 。



我们之前的承诺 我会好好的珍惜下去 :)


a late wishing here . hapi mother day's

happy mother day .

although a wishing is late but give me everyday oso a mother days

i love my mum much and much

tat days our family and my grandmum them have a dinner at nite

then eat my favourite cake

yummy **


today chat wid my mum

i say wid my mum

i wanted be air hostess can anot

mum say if eu have interesting eu can join and try it

i realy will join when i 20years old

i realy full of interesting to be tat

can my dream to realize ?

my fren oso agree . but them say if eu lucky eu can find dao handsome avigator

but duno is true anot

but have one things need rmb

tat's is very important

if eu wan try be air hostess . eu cannot have any illicit between them

i relay lopx tis feeling more

i wan try travel around the would

hope my fram can be implement

exam again


exam again

now is the day of my exam

exam 3 week


quiet a long time

but nvm

i wan test myself tis time exam my result is how

have improve dao or regress anot

i scare !! i scare tis times exam

although i dislike face exam but distance for now

SPM always look like so near wid me jz leave not much time for me edi

today exam bio 2 and bio 3 . quiet hard . duno how wrote the essay

i lose many marks there again .

hoohh ...

k . after finish skul exam i need join a khusus again

after exam i got near half month holidays

wat should i do tat time

wat can ? ?

question mark . . .

realy havent noe


everyday so hot

no mood go out . no mood go anywhere

except going skul


nothings for today :)

today stomach feel no well whole nite cant slep

but stil have going skul

xp :)

today perhimpunan quiet take a long time

sienx dao sei >o<

me . teng . sharon . peng keep talking at d bk


vice-principle intro jor 7 new teacher

3 malay teacher is teach islam

other 4 teacher is cina . so great !!

chinese again . 2 is younger guys . 2 is younger gals

have 2 teacher is come from China , Beijing . nice places

but them jz teach form3 n form4 student

dint take part teach in form5 student

aikss . dun have chance let them teach us tim

wan c them teach gehx level is til how mah


wed mid year exam again

but no yet prepare anythings !!

so . how . ??

OMG . plz bless me .

humwork again . nid exam edi lah stil alot humwork

k . dun think those 1st

have a nap now :)

jz enjoy my sleeping time now

gud afternoon .


SPM course

today have course for form5 student

quiet boring for bm but math is my favourite

i have give concentrated listen wat her saying

question quiet hard sum step oso forgot how do it and plan jor

distance from now SPM jz left around 6 month

I scare cant get pass result !! now oni feeling scare oso no use nohx

Gambateh yahx !! XP :)

math course is after recess but i go in damn late

cox Meo make jor cheese cake + white chocolate

Meois the 1st guy 1st time make cake nehx

so delicious but too sweet

I'm kept fit now nehx jz try the taste oni

realy so great

next time him do again other cake but dun wan too sweet nehx . MEO .

stil eat much I'm sure i will fat again
晚上和湘去吃晚餐 当补我生日

没和家人去夜市 哈哈

去我最爱去的地方 “返屋企”


在那边聊了很多话题 开心 是非也有

原来 。。。

回和去的时侯都很多人 也很塞车

在车里都要近一小时 狂听歌

回时都有几条路被 blok 着

不过我们没事 很遵守交通哒
Xp :)

回到家和妈咪聊天没多久 就上床睡觉

黑眼圈实在太厉害 朋友都在说


我睡不到觉 不懂为什么

还是要躺在床上 改了明早补习



过去了 不再是了


















YES ! 祝我生日快乐 17 岁了



没有等到十二点就几乎要睡觉了 真的太疲倦了

电话就陆续接到朋友的祝福丫 开心

班上的朋友早就预谋了帮我 婷 欣 琪 庆祝生日了


惊喜拿出来时 因该觉得意外感动了吧 就流泪哭起来

很paiseh丫 给他们看到了也觉得丑爆了耶

蛋糕可是他们第一次一班下厨弄的涡 好吃

续 ***

Yong 他们本来要趁我睡觉时拿蛋糕送进我房再高歌唱生日歌 一个惊喜搞扎了

因为他们以为我不在家 可是没有关系啦 很有心呀

聊聊天时 刚好燕 成都有来 谢谢你们送来的东西


十二点了 就庆祝我生日 表姐也有来 爸妈也在厅

两个生日蛋糕一起切 一起吹蜡烛 就酱又老一岁了

谢谢你们 ~

今天去到学校也迟了些 因睡迟啦

sharon今天弄苹果派给我 也是第一次下厨的nehx

yummy . 不错下

谢谢你们 D.I.Y.的生日卡片 很有心思 我会珍惜我们的友

Thx Xian . Justin . Vinz . Enn . Eugene . Sharon . Billie . Vinnie . more and more
thx my all buddies . fs fren are closed wid me . my website and on9 fren . facebook buddies .
thx Eu all give me a great nite and gud bless here .
1st my bufdae wish is hope my SPM can get great or better result . . .

From now on . I was 17 years edi

I wan be MATURE . LENG .

should I can be like tis ma ♥ :)

for a MOMENT now


thx my buddies

today after weekly assembly headmaster wan all form 5 student stay awhile

ishh ***

listen he say alot bla bla things

say our class 5SB and 5SA alot ppl dint absent BI and SEJ khusus

alamak . our dislike listen mah . somemore =waste our time

better can slep at hum or hang out make a study group

everytime them wont say when have khusus de cox them noe our sure absent

tis time he say to our noe . on tis fri have khusus again . BM and MATH

OMG ! my favourite sub of MATH nehx sure wan attend la

xp .

recess now . my fren stop me dint let me go canteen tim

wat going on ah . . .

suddenly make a surprise here . them take out a cake is make own de woh

is NOT BUY de . thx Vinnie . Mun Yee . Chiu Mun . Yang . Meo . Sheng . and other fren

so hapi yahx . make me crying tim . malu lah !


then Hui Xin . Teng . Khey . Me cut cake together

cox 4 of us is same month bufdae

so ngam . haha

happy loh . . .

finish recess jor continue lessons - masa SIVIK now

teacher wan us find member to do sum work

but v dun wan cox hard to find dao answer

then suddenly teacher say berlakon tim . zha dao !

find my ketua - Amir as suami . them roll call my name tim . Pei Yee as isteri dia

alamak . when our lakon tat time so paiseh malu lah

them keep make noisy sound and clap hand tim

aiyo . malu sei lah . but realy queit hapi and funny

my fren sui dao take video there

although today is mon stil not my bufdae but i realy feel thx alot to my dear buddies

1st time make cake . realy so delicious


start countdown my bufdae now ♥




today so earli wake up edi

no enough for my sleeping now nid become panda jor

damn ugly ugly and pimples more jor tim

use mask oso no use lah


today uncle bring me . my cousin . Enn listening undang

fulamak ~ 5 jam nehx

i tak boleh tahan nohx

i jz like watching lack video jek

make our so funny

Enn wan exam motor did tat better mou ?

feeling dangerous . . .

when exam tat time . Enn must be careful dak

tat's all for today . have a nap later

open party

today teacher come my hum tution

start 4 o' finish on 5:40 pm

then go sent my fren come my hum tution math

6:15 pm til 7:20 pm finish our lessons

fren msg me say today he hum opening bufdae party

a gang there rock

i promise jor him then join together

finish tution jor my teacher say sent me go there

thx teacher . she so young and gud

i think he bf oso so nice and gentleman nohx cox teacher is cultured look


my babies Justin and Yi there

havent go inside my fren hum listen dao tat bad guy calling my nickname jor

ishh ****

start our party on 7 o' til duno wat time them finish

cox i quiet tired jor my fren sent me bk 1st

thx dear sent me bk

hapi bufdae to Dennis and Mun Hoe wish Eu all have a nice memories tonite

S.W ♥

today dint tution . hang out today

long time dint out enjoy jz like now

meet jor babies Sharon . Ah Fai . Kah Heng . Uei Chyi . . .

8 of us . 2 gals vs 6 guys

xp :)

our keep buy this buy those cox mostly is my lover

saw dao Bibi . Kenny . San . Yee there

some secret of us . .

bla bla bla

before our bk our have dinner at shabu shabu there

enjoy there

mummy and dad them was have a dinner at station one there

then calling them sent me bk

swt dream ~