
♥ short posting

Actually we just finish high tea around the town area

By the way, i love coffee


Gonna have my hair dye by Mary edi :)

shoot 4 shot use by webcome . xD

congratulation my former boss gerr wife have dy delivered a baby boy [[:

yakss . . .


♥ 快乐等于是自己的幸福

这 Lee Hom 主唱的 '需要人陪' , '你不知道的事' . . .

在这首歌的歌词里 , 我体会到一些事情

那就是爱情降临 , 爱情能带给人欢笑 , 但同时也可以带给人痛苦与失落



有很多时候 , 人总会在低潮时往不好的方面去想


因为吖 . . .

我自己也是常常都那样的呀 !!

我很害怕我不够懂得关心人 , 不会用行动来表示 , 常发小姐脾气

却得到他常常的体谅 ,这所以造成我很困扰喏 . . .

用心与行动来表示关心 , 体贴 , 体谅他 也是件很开心的事

因为 . . . 与 ' 日行一善 ' 是同样的意思


所以呀 , 凡事看开一点 , 打开心胸接受他人或一些事物 , 别固执

一直固执只会造成伤害自己或身边的人 , 要让自己快乐

选择快乐的日子会比较好过 . . .

♥ Simple posting=D

It's time to blog and I'm not going to write much in this post .

Recently really busy like heel .

Everyday I woke up very very early morning

Lazy write more,just simple post this

Last sunday,I woke up early and dress up

I have to visit the exhibition with my cousin at klcc there

Really grand is grand,i've bought alot beauty products

The b.f have come pick me up around 2pm lidat

Headed to mcd there eat our lunch

Somethings is really so touching for me.xD

12 days more only
